We are hiring!

We have two open postdoc positions in collaboration with Emma Slack’s lab (apply by 24 April 25):

  1. Microbiology of the gut microbiome: harness bacterial competition to protect against dangerous infections.

    Key paper: Spragge F, Bakkeren E, Jahn, MT, Araujo EBN, Pearson CF, Wang X, Pankhurst L, Cunrath O, Foster KR 2023. Microbiome diversity protects against pathogens by nutrient blocking. Science, 382: eadj3502. Supplementary info. Science perspective by Radlinski and Baumler. Cell Host and Microbe preview by Ellermann 

  2. Molecular Immunology and vaccine design: develop new vaccines that act with bacterial competition to suppress pathogens

    Key paper: Lentsch, V., Woller, A., Moresi, C., Fattinger, S. A., Aslani, S., Hardt, W.-D., Loverdo, C., Diard, M. & Slack, E. 2025 Combined oral vaccination with niche competition can generate sterilizing immunity against entero-pathogenic bacteria. Science, in press