Reviews and perspectives

Here are a few of our more recent reviews and perspectives:

Smith WPJ, Wucher BR, Nadell CD, Foster KR, 2023. Bacterial defences: mechanisms, evolution and antimicrobial resistance. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 10.1038/s41579-023-00877-3

Palmer JD and Foster KR 2022. Bacterial species rarely work together. Science, 376: 581-582

Agren JA, Davies NG and Foster KR. 2019. Enforcement is central to the evolution of cooperation. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 3: 1018–1029 [Supplementary Info]

Granato ET, Meiller-Legrand TA, Foster KR. 2019. The evolution and ecology of bacterial warfare, Current Biology, 29: R521–R537.

Johnson K, Foster KR. 2018.  Why does the microbiome affect behaviour? Nature Reviews Microbiology, 16:647–655

Foster KR, Schluter J, Coyte KZ and Rakoff-Nahoum S. 2017. The evolution of the host microbiome as an ecosystem on a leash. Nature, 548: 43-51

Nadell CD, Drescher K, Foster KR. 2016 Spatial structure, cooperation, and competition in biofilms, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 14: 589-600.